01 Feb 2016

This has by far been the biggest but most rewarding challenge of my three years in the gym, we all have that perfect body image of how we want our body’s to look, doing this 28 day challenge brought me closer than I imagined it could, I went from eating the wrong foods at the […]

01 Feb 2016

Having recently completed Rumer Morley ‘ s 28 day challenge I feel the fittest and best shape I have been in for almost 3 years. Unfortunately I was unable to attend any of Rumer’s personal pt classes however she has still managed to be a great inspiration to me over messenger / social media. Her […]

01 Feb 2016

I lost 16lb and lost 8.5 inches off my upper body dimensions during the 28 day challenge. Although I didn t attend the regular group training sessions due to distance from gym I stepped up my training and found the daily group posts on The forum very useful and tried many of the recipes and […]

01 Feb 2016

After several months of personal training with Rumer and completing a round of the 28 day challenge I’m in the best shape I have ever been in. I have learnt so much and following Rumer’s advice on changing my diet and being put through my paces in the gym, I have dropped 20 pounds, lowered […]

29 Dec 2015

I have been training with Rumer for 8 months now and i have lost 1.5 stone in weight and not to mention the inches i’ve dropped! My overall strength and fitness has improved hugely in such a short space of time. My sessions are always varied and tailored to my personal goals. Her advice with […]

29 Dec 2015

I started training with Rumer in February 2014 through lifestyle fitness and it’s safe to say I’ve never looked back. She instantly makes you feel comfortable but yet pushes you to try new things and improve week in week out. It’s safe to say I’ve not been the easiest of clients with operations and a […]

29 Dec 2015

Rumer is a brillant PT who works with you as an individual and makes your goals her goals. She pushes you to places you never thought you were capable of reaching, a true professional and a pleasure to work with

29 Dec 2015

I joined the gym & met Rumer in January!
I was very unhappy and overweight having piled 2 stone on over the last 12 months. …
Rumer showed me that your dieting / fad diets weren’t the way forward and instead a lifestyle change was. I now Love the gym! – especially weight training – deadlifts, squats […]

29 Dec 2015

I just wanted to say how glad I am that I made the decision to Join Lifestyle Fitness. It was a rash decision made in December before the club opened (and with the prior knowledge that I had joined gyms before with little success). Now, with only 4.5 months’ training under my belt, I am […]

29 Dec 2015

Although i’ve only known Rumer for a short while, in this time she has pushed me to my limits and given me amazing results. I had never ever stepped foot in a gym before deciding to take up Personal Training sessions. I lost 6lbs in my initial week on Rumer’s detox diet plan followed by […]